Product or variant statuses

ACTIVEProduct is being sold.
ARCHIVEDProduct has been discontinued.


The collectionIDs - array of strings. It should contain all collection ID's to which product belongs, including parent categories ID's.

Remember to pass all categories using collection endpoint.


productIdstringProduct ID in your system
titlestringProduct title
statusstringValues: ACTIVE, ARCHIVED
descriptionstringProduct description. We'll limit it to 30 words.
productUrlstringLink to product page
imageUrlstringLink to product image
vendorstringProduct vendor
publishedAtstring (format: date-time)Product publishing date. Use the format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
tagsarray of stringsArray of product tags.
collectionIdsarray of stringsArray of categories ID's. Pass all categories ID's, including all parent categories ID's, to which product belongs.
trackInventorybooleanIf you want to use inventory numbers for your use cases, send this as true.
variantsarray of objectsArray with product variants. Product must have at least one variant. If your product doesn't have variants, use the product's info as the variant (example: variantID = productID, title=variants.title, etc.)
variant.variantIdstringProduct variant identificator
variant.titlestringVariant title
variant.skustringVariant's stock keeping unit
variant.priceintegerVariant price in numbers
variant.oldPriceintegerVariant old price in numbers
variant.currencyCodestringCurrency code of variant prices. Follow ISO 4217:2015 Format:
variant.inventoryQuantityintegerVariant Inventory Quantity




collectionIdstringCollection ID in your system
titlestringCollection title