This page will help you get started with Contlo's API.


Contlo helps businesses better understand and communicate with their customers. To do that though, we need data.

This guide covers how to send data into Contlo through a custom integration using Contlo's newest generation of APIs. This information is most important for enterprise clients with their own web servers and for smaller businesses that operate on platforms without a pre-built Contlo integration.

If your business operates on a major ecommerce platform (e.g. Shopify etc), the task of sending your data into Contlo is already handled for you. However, if your business has its own systems outside these platforms, then this guide is for you.

This functionality is called /track and /identify in Contlo's APIs. Custom integrations use these endpoints to push event data into Contlo based on customers' actions (e.g. when a customer views a product, or adds an item to a cart).

This type of information can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, developers could use this data to trigger high value flows like abandon cart nudges or to update customer profiles.

Who is this guide meant for?

  • Developers interested in setting up a custom integration with Contlo.
  • Developers interested to learn about Contlo's newest generation of APIs

Table of contents

  1. Authentication
  2. Track API
  3. Identify API
  4. API Throttling
  5. Responses